Ever wondered what a mash-up of Space Invaders and Conway's Game of Life might look like? Well, wonder no longer..!
I built an SVG version of the idea, supplied here as a working, single-file game for playing and hacking. Open in your browser, or right-click-save a local copy to play or hack.
All game sprites and behaviours are governed by the rules of the Game of Life - you die when your sprite gets 'dissolved' via the rules. The game grid is 'toroidal' (wraps top-to-bottom, side-to-side).
How To Play
Defend your corner of the grid from Light-/Medium-/Heavy-Weight SpaceShips (L/M/HWSS), plus any collision chaff.
Fire Gliders to disrupt the grid. Score a point for each Glider fired.
If your sprite (the Boat with the red nose) gets munched, it's Game Over.
- Move: '←'/'a'/'d'/'→'
- Fire: <space>
- Stop/Quit: 'q'
- (New game: refresh/F5)
- Riding the 'Fire' key can quickly amass points, but watch out for barrelcrash.
- Watch out for chaff from behind!
- On rare occasions your sprite can get transformed rather than killed by interacting with chaff - that's OK until it isn't!
All GoLinvaders assets by Chris Molloy are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
¤ Copyright 1999-2025 Chris Molloy ¤ All rights reserved ¤