I wanted a multi-purpose container for my laptop. I wanted it to protect the laptop whilst in transit when 'shut', and to provide ventilation when 'open'.
I used a pair of kitchen cooling racks, with the 'feet' cut off one side. I joined the racks with a trio of laser-cut hinges, held together with zip-ties. On one rack I attached a filtered air intake (located to match the underside of my laptop). On the other rack I stitched on a pair of felt pads, which protect the laptop lid when the cage is 'shut'. The cage is held 'open' or 'shut' with a pair of elastic-ties-plus-hooks. The laptop is located on the lower rack with a set of rubber feet matched to the rack.
I now have a system for safely using my laptop in bed (or anywhere where airflow to the laptop might otherwise be occluded), plus a way to protect the laptop whilst in transit. Sweet!
Laser-cutting file for hinges: LaptopHinge.svg.

All Laptop Cage assets by Chris Molloy are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
¤ Copyright 1999-2025 Chris Molloy ¤ All rights reserved ¤