Kath & Craig Come Out To Play (or, More Accurately, Eat) - Wellington, New Zealand
Kath was over from Sydney with work for the early part of the week. On Wednesday evening she relocated from Christchurch to Wellington and came to stay with us. Craig was due to join her on Friday evening before the pair of them headed off on a week-long tour of the South Island on Sunday. We spent the next 3½ days eating.
On Thursday we had to pack Kath off to our local Fish 'n Chip shop whilst we attended our final Prenatal Class, complete with a plate of food for the 'bring a plate' final celebration. On Friday the girls swanned around town before I did us all a home-cooked meal. We collected Craig at midnight off his flight in from Sydders. On Saturday, we breakfasted mightily at our local café, 'Breakers', before Kath, Craig and myself headed out on a hike through the hills above Seatoun and Breaker Bay - a fantastic walk and a favourite with Bobby when he was over to stay. We were home again by mid-afternoon and had just enough time for 40 winks before heading back into town for a solid gorging at 'Maria Pia's'. Bloody delicious! Sunday opened with a scenic drive around our local coastline which terminated at the other of our fine local eateries, 'The Chocolate Fish' (not to be confused with 'The Chocolate Starfish'). Once we had eaten our fill it was time to drop Kath & Craig at their ferry to the South Island. Andy & I returned home via an exhibition in the Wellington City & Sea Museum ('Unseen Worlds: New Dimensions') and a shopping run to purchase a clothes dryer and the last bits of baby stuff. And then we had some food. Burp!
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