A selection of Maker projects, by way of a portfolio...
Æshaættr Cosplay Knife Learnings: electronic/computing tools (OnShape); fabrication tools (SLA 3D-printer); silicone/resin casting. |
Canoe Building: Wee Lassie Learnings: fabrication tools (table router; table saw); joinery; materials (cedar; epoxy; fibreglass). |
Canoe Building: Transparent v1 and Transparent v2 Learnings: 2D maths; 3D maths; electronic/computing tools (OpenSCAD; Java); fabrication tools (CNC router; laser-cutter); joinery; materials (polycarbonate). |
Canoe Building: Dory Hull Calculator Learnings: 2D maths; 3D maths; electronic/computing tools (Inkscape/SVG; OnShape; Python). |
Cyborg CNC Learnings: 2D maths; 3D maths; fabrication tools (table router). |
Möbius Gears Learnings: 3D maths; electronic/computing tools (OnShape; OpenSCAD). |
Hornet Cosplay Mask Learnings: fabrication tools (laser-cutter); MDF molding. |
Icosahedron Lightshade Learnings: 3D maths; electronic/computing tools (OnShape); fabrication tools (laser-cutter). |
Dürer's Solid Learnings: 3D maths; electronic/computing tools (OpenSCAD); fabrication tools (3D-printer); . |
Rimu Table Learnings: 3D maths; joinery; wood strength engineering. |
Soap Dish Generator Learnings: electronic/computing tools (Python-as-a-web-service). |
Sunrise Lamp Learnings: electronic/computing tools (Arduino; ESP8266; MQTT; Python); fabrication tools (laser-cutter). |
Python Hex-grid Halftoner Learnings: electronic/computing tools (Docker; OpenCV; Python). |
A Bird In Flight Learnings: 2D maths; electronic/computing tools (Inkscape/SVG; Python). |
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