In recent times I have taken to capturing GPS data sets for the 'big' hikes I've been on. I've published these data sets in KML (Google Earth) format in case they are of use to anyone out there...
These data sets typically capture some or all of the following data points:
Style | Symbol | Descriptor |
#hut | Hut/Campsite (or off-track accommodation) | |
#poi | Point of Interest | |
#shelter | Shelter - for temporary or emergency escape from the elements | |
#supplies | Supplies (either on-track or off-track) | |
#trackEnd | Track End | |
#trackStart | Track Start | |
#waypoint | Waypoint - typically logged at approximately 30 minute intervals |
In addition to the waypoint data, some data sets include track data (with track points typically logged at approximately 5 minute intervals). In some instances the track has been 'colourised' to indicate ground speed or gradient between each track point. Track colouration goes from green (high speed, low gradient), through yellow/orange (medium speed, medium gradient) to red (low speed, high gradient). Simple tracks (with no ground speed or gradient information) are coloured blue.
GPS Data Sets
- 🌐 Overland Track - Tasmania, Australia
- 🌐 Routeburn Track, Greenstone Valley Track and (part of the) Caples Track - New Zealand
- 🌐 Tongariro Northern Circuit - New Zealand
- 🌐 Mt Holdsworth/Jumbo Circuit - New Zealand
- 🌐 Kepler Track - New Zealand (Iris Burn Hut to Moturau Hut section is missing)
- 🌐 Banks Peninsula Track - New Zealand (Onuku to Flea Bay section is missing)
To convert my data sets to a format that you can load directly into your GPS, use GPS Babel on GPS Visualizer. Select "Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language" for the 'Input file format'.
Alternatively, to convert my data sets to GPX format, use the simple file converter on GPS Visualizer. Copy the location of my KML file (right-click on the icon above and select 'Copy Link Location') and paste it into the "Or provide the URL of a file on the Web" field.
¤ Copyright 1999-2025 Chris Molloy ¤ All rights reserved ¤