Buying A House 2 - Wellington, New Zealand
Well, it's all gone through! We are now in possession of a 'fixer upper' and up to our necks in debt. Wheeeee! I feel so grown up!
We'll be documenting our 'fixer upping' on this site as we go - stay tuned for the 'before' photos coming soon. Hopefully the 'after' photos wont be too many months (years?!) away!
Rarotonga, The Cook Islands
We escaped winter and headed to Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands, to catch some sun. We stayed at the splendid Lagoon Lodges. The only bummer was that Holly contracted a nasty stomach bug on day two and spent the rest of the week violently throwing up - poor little mite. Otherwise a great break, and somewhere we'd go back to - although, maybe just Andy and I... ;-)
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